Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bonus points
Log in to your account on the Electronic Arts website, and a link to their profile in Dragon Age: Origins. Play Dragon Age: Journeys minigames. Successfully complete the indicated task in Dragon Age: Journeys to unlock the corresponding item in Dragon Age: Origins:
Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Amulet of the War Mage: Sign in to your EA account in Dragon Age Journeys.
Many pockets embryo: Save the Grey Warden Martine by completing "The Missing Warden" quest.
Helm of the Deep: Unlock all five achievements in Dragon Age Journeys: The Deep - Roads.
Legendary Weapons
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding legendary weapon:

Ageless: In Orzammar before choosing a new king, click the king's throne, set three of your party members on pressure plates around the area, and use the fourth to click the throne again. Kill the dragon to get the Ageless legendary weapon.

Lamentation Blade: Successfully complete the quest "Liberation". To begin, gather the records of the following locations:

Dragon age cheats xbox 360
1. The corpse of the adventurer in the ruined temple in the "sacred urn Ashes" quest in the southwest corridor.
Two. Ruins Ruins Brecilian Children's room south fire trap.
Three. Talk to an adventurer in Tapster's Tavern in Orzammar.
April. Go to Denerim, then go to the dirty alley and fight the demon.
Marjorlaneses Classic: Complete mission character Leliana.
Dragon age cheats xbox 360
Staff of the Magister Lords Bought at the wonders of Thedas in Denerim.

Starfang Longsword: Get the random encounter with the crater, then take Starmetal Keep guards have adopted a two-handed sword made.

Summersword: trying to save the queen usually Defeat Loghain.

The thorn in Rose bought in a shop in Orzammar.Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Topsiders Honor: In Deep Roads, find the three pieces and then reassembled in Ortan Thaig.

Yusaris Swordfish: successful search "statue" on the third floor of the Magi Tower by selecting the statues in the following order: left, right, center, the statue near the fourth floor stairs.

Wintersbreath: Can be obtained by the director of Keep DLC or by purchasing the wonders of Thedas.

Legendary Armor
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding legendary armor:

Blood Dragon: Use the DLC to get the first part, and the rest will be in Bodhan's shop in your camp.

Juggernaut: Examine the three tombstones in the Forrest Brecilian for the first three songs. Mission successful "Jug" in the ruins of the final piece.

Legion Set: Pieces are divided into the Deeproads.

Reapers Habit (best robe): I bought the wonders of Thedas.Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Robes of Possession: Successfully complete Morrigan's character quest Flemmeth killing. They can be found in the chest in Flemeth's hut.

Wade Wade Wade's Emporium in Denerim will make you three sets of armor, two of which use 3x Drake Scales and the other needs Dragon Scale. The first two sets are leather armor, and the third is the choice of medium, heavy or massive. You can get lots of Drake Scales and the Dragon Scale in the "sacred urn ashes" quest Note:. Make sure you always pay the extra gold when asked to get the best results.

specialization courses
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding class specialization. Note: Specialization points are obtained at levels 7 and 14.Dragon age cheats xbox 360


Arcane Warrior: During the "Nature of the Beast" quest line, you will find a place in ruins Brecilian where mind is trapped inside something Defining the free spirit, and then ask him to teach. specialization.
Blood Mage: In quest line "ARL Redcliffe", choose to go to fading. Instead of killing the demon of desire to negotiate with him. When given a reward, choose to learn Blood Magic.
Chameleon: Learned from Morrigan (companion) when approval is high enough, or Varathorn (Dalish Camp).
Spirit Healer: Learned from Wynne (companion) or manual from Wanders Of Thedas in Denerim (after Conclave begins).

Assassin: Learned from Zevran (companion) when approval is high enough, or store-bought Alarith (Denerim, after Conclave begins).
Bard: Learned from Leliana (companion) when approval is high enough, or Alimar (Orzammar).
Duelist: Learned from Isabela (The Pearl in Denerim) if your DEX is high enough to recover the deception and to teach you.
Ranger: Learned Bodann products (Party Camp).Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Berserker: Learned from Oghren (companion) when approval is high enough, or manual bought Gorim Denerim market.
Champion: Choose to accept the award Arl Eamon after the end of the "Urn of Sacred Ashes" quest line.
Reaver: Meet Wyrmling Kolgrim in the cave just before the summit of the mountain, and help you in your task. Pour dragon's blood in the ashes. Note: If Wynne and Leliana are in your party, who will join The Guardian in their fight against you.
Templar: Learned Alistair (companion) when approval is high enough, or property Bodahn (Party Camp).Dragon age cheats xbox 360
Skill set of items
Providing reference point indicated in the corresponding bonus:
tem Set 1 - Griffon: Immunity to Flanking
Item Set 2 - Effort: -10% Fatigue
Article Group 3 - Juggernaut Plate: +3 Strength +3 Constitution
Item Set 4 - Imperium Rings: 2 Armor
Article Group 5 - Legion Of The Dead: 3 Damage +3 Constitution
Item Set 6 - Dalish Leather: 5 FIELDING
Article Group 7 - Leather Cloth 2 Armor
September Article 8 - Wade Drake: -10% Fatigue
Item Set 9 - Wade's Dragonskin: -25% Fatigue
Set Point 10 - Wade Dragon: -20% Fatigue
Item Set 11 - Wade Dragon Plate: -10% Fatigue
Set Point 12 - Leather Armor: -5% Fatigue
Article September 13 - Studded Leather Armor: +1 Defense
Item Set 14 - Chainmail: -2.5% Fatigue
Item Set 15 - Scale Armor: 4.5 missile defense
Item Set 16 - Splint Mail: +1 Armor
Item Set 17 - Dwarven Medium Armor: +1 Armor
Item Set 18 - Ancient Elven Armor: 5 Defense
Item Set 19 - Ceremonial Armor 6 missile defense
Set Point 20 - Diligence: 5 Willpower
Item Set 21 - Dwarven Heavy Armor: 1 Armor
Item Set 22 - point of the heavy chain: -3% Fatigue
Item Set 23 - Chevalier Armor: 3 Willpower +3 Constitution
Item Set 24 - Commander of the plate: 5 Willpower
Item Set 25 - Dwarven Massive Armor: 2 Armor
Item Set 26 - Plate: 7.5 missile defense
Item Set 27 - Wade's Superior Drake: -10% Fatigue +5 Defense
Item Set 28 - Wade's Superior Dragonskin: -25% Fatigue +5 Defense
Item Set 29 - Wade's Superior Dragon: -20% Fatigue +5 Defense
Item Set 30 - Superior Wade Dragon Plate: -10% Fatigue +5 Defense
Secret - Armor River Dane Set: 6 Willpower +1 Cunning 6 +4 Attack Defense
Secret - Warden Commander: +? + Health? Force
Easy Gold Dragon age cheats xbox 360
Put your most expensive item on the junk food industry in its inventory. Find a dealer, enter in the "spam" in your inventory, select the item expensive then press Y rapidly followed. If done correctly, your item will be sold at twice its value. This may require several attempts. Purchase and repeat as many times as desired. It is best if you use two fingers, with one in Y and the other to push the almost simultaneously. It is recommended to do this is with a merchant that has not sold before in a junk or buy all the junk that has been sold before. This speeds up the process enough so that you can double the gold as soon as possible. In addition, if the trader has a more expensive than what you sell, buy and use it to increase the amount of gold you get the item. If the Blood Dragon plate, which can be done easily with the first merchant.Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Easy to experience
You can use the glitch "easy gold" for basically unlimited experience. After saving the life of the Arl of Redcliffe, a soldier in the field to appear in your party. There will be a box to donate to the Army. Enter the screen, then select the first option to donate 30 gold. You can do this as many times as necessary to get a good amount of experience from each donation. If you hold A and X repeatedly quickly to keep large amounts of gold, jump through the dialog screens, and getting a lot of experience quickly. If you start getting low on gold, perform the glitch "easy gold" with the merchant in his camp NOTE: .. Be careful, because the enemies also stabilize if you get too high level and do not have the right equipment, it can be defeated quickly. Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Note: This trick only works on the unpatched version of the game. In Ostargar, do the mission "Tainted Blood", which opened immediately before becoming a Grey Warden. Collect three vials of darkspawn blood, but not the Grey Warden Treaties. Back at camp, talk to Duncan, and report "We have the blood, but not the scrolls." You get out of the conversation, but still won the mission experience. You can repeat this process as many times desired. Does not take much time to reach the level cap 25 if you skip the conversations to speed up the process.

Note: This trick requires that trap making ability. In Lothering, go right Dane Refuge (near the center of Lothering). There will be a quest giver by the name of Allison. It will ask you to cheat, and requires three traps to finish the quest. Once you have completed the quest, you get a moderate amount of experience and 50 silver. You can repeat this search as many times as desired, but the search will not be available as you progress in the game to repeat the search again Dane Refuge and buy trap triggers. It has an unlimited supply of them. How to catch to do, create snap traps. Snap traps cost about 3 to create money, and requires three traps each time. Therefore, it costs about 9 silver medals for research.

For additional experience points early in the game, go to the city of Denerim as soon as you leave Lothering. Then enter the "Wonders of Thedas" building, and buying Archivist belt. Although it is equipped, you will get a boost experience points for everything in your Codex. Books will increase from 50 to 75 experience points. Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Duplicating Objects
This error can duplicate gear, ingredients, potions, and other things. First, you need at least two of the item you want to duplicate. The small problem is essentially the same as the ruling "easy gold". Therefore, it is preferable to have only the items you want to duplicate both your inventory and "Spam" the merchant. This assistance helps accelerate and organize things. Put at least two of the item you want to copy in the "junk" from her purse. Go to any merchant and press Y to sell all the junk in your bag. Then select the item from the shopping, and redeem all but one of the article. Then select when in the inventory again. Press Y followed rapidly. This requires precise timing of failure "Easy gold" and may require some practice, but it becomes easy to do after several attempts. You can repeat the process until you have 99 of the article. Some items are displayed on the merchant's inventory as a row of 99, and another line with a different number (eg, 33). Sometimes, additional items can be collected and stored, but other times, they will disappear from your inventory. Be careful when taking the correct line. If you have "the" Warden's Keep "downloadable content, which can store an unlimited number of points in the bottomless chest so you always have more if you lose and do not want to continue using this parasite. This error should also work with the books that add abilities or talent points. If you experience any of these books, wait until you have two of them so that you can make unlimited copies and maximize their characters.Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Use the following trick to duplicate Bodan inventory. After leaving Lothering for the first time, you will be automatically directed to the field of party. If you use the glitch "Easy gold", you can buy any items from Bodan, then go to any location and return to camp and still have. This trick allows you to get two copies of Axis Veshialle Spellward necklace, Bard dance shoes, and several books of physical and esoteric spells early in the game.

All talents and character specializations
Note: This trick will allow you to be, for example, a Templar, Berserker, Reaver, and the champion of all of the same nature and have the ability of talent and a huge boost statistics. Start the game and go to your party camp for the first time. You will see the volumes that increase your stats by one and give a talent to use. Buy it, but do not use. Keep these volumes until you get a second. By the second volume, use the glitch "duplicate items" and copy all you want. Before use, be sure to save the game. Also, do not choose specializations before any possible talent pool. Once done, use the volume, and choose a specialization. By doing statistics, select "Auto Level Up" If you continue to do this, you must unlock the specialties of this character, and you can use the talents of this specialization Note: .. Be sure to plan your choice of statistics.

Free books specialization
Save the game, then buy a book from a vendor specialization. The message "Specialization Unlocked" will appear. Then load the saved game and return to the gold you spent on the book, but the specialization will remain open.

When you get your party camp, will Bodahn Fennick the dwarf merchant. Talk to him and see their products. There are two specialized books, Ranger and Templar. Save the game, then buy one to unlock this specialization. Reload your game, and buy another. Now have two unlocked and still retain your gold after reloading your game again specialties. Works with all specialized books.

Additional Storage Dragon age cheats xbox 360
In Lothering, go towards a bridge on the outskirts of the city. There will be a bridge where dwarfs being attacked a father and his son. If you register and are nice to them, they'll be in the camp of the group on arrival shortly thereafter. They are traders, and the son is a charming savant. The father has good items to start. Buy items, glitch using the "easy gold" if necessary. He never seems to lose what he sells. You can use it as free storage. This works well for players without the "Warden's Keep" downloadable content chest fund, or if you do not want to keep traveling to Soldier's Peak to retrieve your excess inventory. Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Additional Backpack Ostagar Dragon age cheats xbox 360
Upon arriving at Ostagar, purchase the Backpack Mayor. Note: You must have enough money as much as you collected sell-able items and equipment during the early history. Search success that you and the other recruits enter the Wilds, be sure to explore the whole map. Success Ritual "Join" and become a Grey Warden. Before attending the meeting with Duncan and the King, return to the mayor, and there should be another Backpack for sale at the same price as before.

Summon the wolf and the bear while Dragon age cheats xbox 360
Red Ranger with talent and all skills can summon a wolf and a bear at the same time. This trick does not work with the spider. When you call the wolf and its cast time bar is almost finished, click to call the bear. Your character will summon the wolf first, then call the bear. You can control animals.

Armed Mages Dragon age cheats xbox 360
It is possible that not only cast magic magicians, but also the use of weapons and armor. Once you have acquired the Arcane Warrior style, you can use armor and weapons for magic. You do not have to worry about physical damage and because of the armor. You do not have to keep your distance from enemies and can use all the desired spell. Note: This ability is obtained in the "Nature of the Beast" quest with the Dalish Elves must enter the temple and find a bottle that seems strange A little scene will start and get involved after a long series of questions ... it will offer to pass his skills as arcane warrior for you and your party in exchange for his freedom. Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Gifts help to raise the taste of each member of the "Guardian" or main character who believes. The following is a list of the gifts of each member of the party and as will help you get on their good side instead of his angry side:

Alistair: Mothers Alidtair Amulet Stone Warrior Statue, Stone dragon statue, Black White Runestone Runestone, Duncan Shield, Onyx Goblet union Demon statue, carved figurine
Liliana: Andraste's grace, blue satin boots, bronze, steel and gold Symbol of Andraste, Cute Nug, engraved Silver Symbol, Chantry Amulet, Silver Sword of Mercy
Morigan: silver chain. Gold mirror, the Grimoire Flemeth, Flemeth Real Grimoire, Golden Demon amulet pendant gold necklace, gold rope necklace, silver clasp, Silver Medallion
Oghren: All alcoholic beverages is
Sten: Sten's sword, Totem, the paintings you find
Wynne fantasy of travel, wine, books that are
Zevran: gloves, boots Antivian Dalish leather, gold and silver bullion
Mass Effect reference
There is a book called "limit load reached" that can be found in the Orzammar underground section "Death trenches" near the "Legionnaire Shrine" at the end of a broken bridge. The first line in the book is "Mass will have an effect." Name a dwarf named Shepard, which is the same name as the main character in Mass Effect. Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference Dragon age cheats xbox 360
While traveling on the world map, you can meet a group of people around a stump, saying that if you leave, you are destined to become king of Thedas. This will encourage jokes. "Throw a drunken loggers ax strain is hardly something to base a system of government out." "There has to be a king", "Why do you say that." "Because I made any payment by the whole body". This is a reference from the beginning of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Reference Portal
Note: You must have Sten in your party for this trick to work. At the end of the game, if you choose to perform the ritual with Morrigan, you will go to the coronation of the new king or queen. After the dialogue with Alistair you can walk and talk with your classmates. Find Sten and he will say: "Where is the promised there would be cake cake The cake is a lie ...".

Superman reference Dragon age cheats xbox 360
The next event is random and occurs during the journey on the world map. You will encounter a farmer and his wife found a baby in a meteor crash, just after it happens. They decide to take the baby and raise him as their own. You get meteorite ore entered the baby can be made into armor by Wade in Denerim. A good way to get this event happening is one of the Chapel Council missions in Redcliffe. Travel straight from Redcliffe to Refugees. Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Easy "Silver Tongued" achievement Dragon age cheats xbox 360
In Orzammar, there is a man named Vartag the Legislature. Talk to him to gain the trust of the Lord Behlen. They should give the state papers Lord Harrowmont sold the same piece of land for two. After he gives her the papers, go to Shaperate in the diamond district. It is opposite the entrance to the House of Commons. Once in the Shaperate, talk to the Shaperate, and gives the papers. He will tell you to forge. Then return to Vartag, and tell the documents are false. Once you've done that, a line of persuasion. Keep persuading to get the achievement "Silver Tongued". Note: This is useful if you have a high voltage and / or sneaky skills. Also, if you have a dwarf commoner, your sister will take you directly to Vartag once they have entered the diamond district.Dragon age cheats xbox 360

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

Last of the Line (10 points): Completed the Human Noble origin story.
Spoiled (10 points): Complete the story of the Dalish Elf origin.
Enrolled (10 points): Complete the story of the origin of the elves of the city.
Harrowed (10 points): Complete the origin story of the Magi.
Caste (10 points): Complete the story of the Dwarf Commoner origin.
Kinslayer (10 points): Complete the Dwarf Noble origin story.
Last Guard (20 points): Complete Ostagar.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
Carrier (20 points): Guardians of the Treaty used to recruit all possible allies.
Hero of Redcliffe (20 points): Complete "The Arl of Redcliffe".
Revolutionary (20 points): Complete "The Conclave".
Mercenary (20 points): Complete 15 missions in the table.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
Recruiter (25 points): In all playthroughs, recruited all party members.
Hopelessly Romantic (25 points): In all playthroughs, experienced all possible romances.
Perfectionist (50 points): In all confused, discovered all possible endings.
Trained (15 points): Used a tome to improve the attributes, talents, spells and abilities of the main character.
Sympathetic Magic (20 points): the side of the magicians in "Broken Circle".
Obliteration (20 points): the side of the Templars in "Broken Circle".
Slayer (20 points): side with the werewolves in "Nature of the Beast".
Poacher (20 points): side with the elves in "Nature of the Beast".
Sacrilege (20 points) face with the cult of Andraste in "The Urn of Sacred Ashes".
Ceremonialist (20 points): challenging the cult of Andraste in "The Urn of Sacred Ashes".
Bhelen Alliance (20 points): Sided with Bhelen in "a model".
Harrowmont Ally (20 points) sided with Harrowmont in "Harder They Come".
Liberator (20 points): Destroy the Anvil of the Void.
Pragmatics (20 points) kept the Anvil of the Void.
Heavyweight (10 points): Main character inflicted 250 damage in one hit.
Risk (10 points): The performance of an original story without ever falling into the main character in battle.
Travelers (35 points): set foot in all areas of the game.
Weapon Master (25 points): The protagonist arrives at level 20 with a warrior.
Shadow (25 points): The protagonist arrives at level 20 with a Rogue.
Archmage (25 points): The protagonist arrives at level 20 with a mage.
Pilgrim (10 points): Complete the lookup table of a torch.
Save Gray (20 points): Kill 100 darkspawn.
Master Warden (25 points): Killed 500 darkspawn.
Blight-Queller (25 points): Kill 1000 Darkspawn.
Handyman (10 points): An object created.
Persuasive (10 points): Complete five difficult Persuasion attempts.
Great speaker (20 points): 25 difficult Persuasion attempts.
Bully (10 points): Complete five attempts to intimidate difficult.
Threatening (20 points): Complete 10 difficult Intimidate attempts.
First Knight (10 points): Experienced the thrill of romance with Alistair.
Witch Gone Wild (10 points): Experienced the thrill of romance with Morrigan.
Easy Lover (10 points) experienced the thrill of romance with Zevran.
Wine, Woman and Song (10 points) experienced the thrill of romance with Leliana.
Veteran (25 points): Main character learned a specialization.
Elite (30 points): Main character learned two specializations.
In addition, there are four secret achievements:Dragon age cheats xbox 360

A Dark Promise (50 points): Defeat the Archdemon and, through a dark ritual with Morrigan, spared your life.
The Ultimate Sacrifice (50 points) made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of Ferelden.
Dragons (30 points): Defeat the dragon guarding the Urn of Sacred Ashes.
Defender (20 points): preserves the lives of half the troops at Denerim's gates in "The Final Battle".
The following achievements require "The Stone Prisoner" bonus downloadable content:

Rock and a Hard Place (25 points): Complete "The Golem Honnleath".
Stone's Lament (25 points): Complete "Memoirs of a golem."
The following achievements require "Warden's Keep" bonus downloadable content:

Diabolist (25 points) took Averno research.
Pico Master (25 points): "Soldier's Peak".Dragon age cheats xbox 360
The following achievement requires the "Return To Ostagar" bonus downloadable content:

In war, victory (25 points): Defeated the ogre that killed King Calin.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
The following achievements require the "Awakening" bonus downloadable content:

The Enduring Vigil (30 points) acquired all the improvements to maintain wakefulness.
Awakening (50 points): Complete Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.
Commander of the Grey (30 points): the level reaches 30.
In addition, there are five secret achievements with the "Awakening" bonus downloadable content:

Kal'Hirol Salvador (30 points): Destroy nestled in Kal'Hirol mothers.
Blind Revenge (30 points): silverite mine escaped.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
Pride before the fall (30 points): Defeat Baroness.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
Last hope of amaranth (25 points): Escape the city amaranth.
Guardian of the Vigil (25 points): Vigil registered mobile.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
The following achievement requires the "Darkspawn Chronicles" bonus downloadable content:

Bane of Thedas (25 points): Win presented the Arch ultimate killing Ferelden Warden.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
In addition, there are two secret achievements with the "Darkspawn Chronicles" bonus downloadable content:

Exciting (25 points): Work up to approval from all types of bondage.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
Ogre's Keeper (25 points): early life is preserved throughout history ogre.
The following achievements require "Leliana's Song" bonus downloadable content:

Provocateur (50 points) and joined Provocateur Network.
Turning Point (25 points): Heard Leliana's version of her betrayal.
Vendetta (25 points): destroyed the career of Guard Captain Eams.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
The following achievements require the "Golems of Amgarrak" bonus downloadable content:

Reaper (25 points): Defeat the combine.
Grim Reaper (50 points): Defeated the Harvester on Hard or Nightmare.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
A secret sewing (25 points): against all research notes in Amgarrak.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
The following achievements require the "Witch Hunt" bonus downloadable content:

Varterral Fall (25 points): Defeated the varterral on Hard or Nightmare.Dragon age cheats xbox 360
Witch Hunter (25 points): Complete "Witch Hunt".
A moment of wood and stone (25 points) against Thaig Cadash lost tradition.
Through the Looking Glass (25 points): Complete the ritual of divination.Dragon age cheats xbox 360

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